Welcome to Wyoming Writes!!

Hello writers!

Have a story, poem or non-fiction piece you’re working on? You’re in the right place!

As a writer, I’ve started and put down hundreds of projects over the years. You know what I’m talking about-the first two chapters of the book or short story that sit on your hard drive or at the bottom of your drawer for years without ever getting picked back up. But in the past month I’ve written a 200 page novella for a fanfiction site, and I’m about 50 pages into the second of what’s shaping up to be a trilogy.

Considering a year ago I would have told you I didn’t even like fanfiction, this qualifies as a minor miracle.

From beginning to end, I’ve managed to be faithful. I write 5-10 pages every night. I plot my stories out. I develop my characters. And I see the story through. It took me a little while to figure out what the difference was between this project, which has no chance of ever being seen by a publisher, and the hundreds of other ones I’ve started over the years.

Then I realized it wasn’t the story that kept me going. It was the reviews that flooded my Inbox every time I posted a chapter. Hearing what other people had to say, picking up on their enthusiasm and building a relationship with a community of writers and readers that really wanted to know how the story was going to turn out gave me the impetus to get from Chapter One to Chapter Done and turn the corner on my next project.

Writers, this Site is for You

I’m lucky enough to belong to a tremendously talented group of writers known as Wyoming Writes, and y’all know who I’m talking about! Unfortunately, between time constraints, insecurity and the simple impracticality of trying to share everyone’s writing projects at every meeting, we aren’t always able to provide our writers with the support and encouragement they deserve. I immediately thought about the huge online community that I’ve worked with to create these fanfiction pieces and thought, why couldn’t we do that?

So that’s the story behind Wyoming Writes. This is a place for you to come, read what other people have written and share your own writing with our online community. I know we’re small right now, but I have faith we’ll grow and, in the process, help each other achieve our dreams and blast our writing out of the ballpark!

How It Works

Everyone is welcome to read and review what’s been posted on the site. Writers crave encouragement, so please, provide it in abundance in the comments section underneath each post! (Positive encouragement and constructive criticism only, please. All comments will be moderated before posting.) If you’re a writer and would like to share your work with our online community, email rmalove@gmail.com and we’ll send you an invitation to become a contributor. That means you can post anything, anytime, anywhere.

Don’t be shy, we’re all writers here. All ages, abilities, genres and skill levels welcome!